Creating Experiences That Nourish Your Mind, Body, and Soul...
AboutThe H.I.S Agency, LLC specializes in curating bespoke luxury travel experiences with a focus on spa, wellness, & experiential adventures. We provide professional health & wellness coaching services (CoWellness Coaching) to deepen your wellness and self-care journey to help you reach your personal wellbeing goals for lasting lifestyle change. Our spa & wellness event and media division ("Confessions of a Spa Bunny") provides additional resources, education, and coverage from the industry. Each experience created by The H.I.S Agency, is anything but ordinary. These exclusive VIP experiences have taken guests on exciting adventures and unique journeys of the mind, body, and soul for many years. A professional with expertise in several modalities, thus creating a unique capability and high service standard to provide "Grade A+ Experiences... and Much More". As a Senior Contributor on TripAdvisor, we are ranked in the top 3% as one of the most popular reviewers in Washington, DC. Other accolades include: The H.I.S Agency, LLC has a 5 Star Rating on Google, an official Virgin Voyages "Gold Tier" First Mate Travel Agency Partner, Villas of Distinction travel advisor, Expedia TAAP affiliate, MGM Resorts International Master Specialist, Omni Hotels & Resorts Specialist, AMResorts Master Agent, CaymanKind Specialist, Jumeirah Beacon, and GOGO Vacations Certified Travel Professional. India is also a member of the International Spa Association, National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coaches, Washington Spa Alliance, Wellness Warrior, and Magellan & Travvy Award Winner, Tammy Levent's T.A.S.K Force. |
India K. Robinson, MPA, NBC-HWC President & CEO India K. Robinson has a natural talent and creativity for organizing and hosting the best in themed events, luxury destination travel, and spa/wellness getaways. For India, her business is a passion. Her energetic and magnetic personality brings positive vibes that build lasting relationships and lifetime clients. She brings 25+years of experience, expert knowledge, and a reputable service history in everything from event and travel planning, luxury wellness destinations, transformational group retreats, social networking events, spa reviews, media coverage, spa and wellness coaching and consulting, and all things to enhance your self-care and "travel & wellness" lifestyle. Creator of "Confessions of a Spa Bunny",which helps individuals to take the time to take a "time-out" and engage in experiences that replenish, nourish, and restore the mind, body, and soul. Influential blogger and social media host, India bridges the gap between consumer, spa, and spa product/service providers through educational content, networking, events, and media coverage. India K. Robinson is founder of CoWellness Coaching at The H.I.S Agency, LLC, a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), and a certified Wellness Inventory Coach. As a BIPOC woman, 25 year career Public Administrator, passion driven entrepreneur, and caregiver, India personally knows the challenges one can face trying to balance self-care and wellness in all dimensions of your life. India is an avid traveler, wellness advocate, regular spa goer, and animal lover. India has indulged in spa treatments from over 60+ spas in the United States, Mexico, Caribbean, and Central America, making her quite the spa expert, media influencer, and consultant on spa etiquette, and enhancing and perfecting the customer spa experience. These experiences have expanded her expertise in an array of alternative therapy treatments, methods, and products, of which she loves to educate and coach others on the benefits they provide, and how one can utilize them to enhance their overall well-being. Her spa & wellness adventures inspired the "Confessions of a Spa Bunny" spa/wellness media & education chronicles, which can be found on her Blog, Instagram, and YouTube channel, and through a series of hosted "time-out" social events, transformational wellness retreats /getaways, spa room makeovers, and personalized wellness concierge services. India's "Language of Spa" poem, recited at the 6th Annual Washington Spa Alliance Symposium and on Insider's Guide to Spas for National Poetry Month, shows through written word her love of spa and self-care. |